Hidden Valley School in Santa Rosa

We are so excited about a full class at Hidden Valley School this coming Wednesday, December 7th! We’re teaching the kids to make Gingerbread Pancakes with warm sauteed apples and cranberries and warm spiced apple cider.

We’ll use organic ingredients, unrefined sugar, and whole-wheat pastry flour. The recipe notes how to make changes if they are vegetarian and vegan, or can not have gluten or wheat. They will also not endlessly pour some junky pancake syrup on their pancakes! We’ll stop them with our warm fruit with a little real maple syrup.

We all know that pancakes are not a healthy breakfast, but kids do love them-as do most people-so they will learn how to make them a little healthier. They’ll also learn some nutrition basics as they stir batter and slice apples!

See you then!

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