An update

Hi everyone:

Well, we’re busy with the final edits on the five health programs. Pilot programs begin on June 10th!! We are all so excited. There are still spaces left for kids to be a part of our first programs. They need to have graduated from the 6th grade to attend these first programs.

We are all so busy fundraising. As you know we do not charge kids to go through the programs and rely on your help to underwrite them. If parents can afford to pay, then, of course, we do ask for a donation.

We have new volunteers to help with everything from marketing to fundraising to working on our big Gala on November 5th. Thank you! There is so much progress and forward motion, but there is also still so much to do. We don’t rest on our laurels for long.

We desperately need educational props (anatomical models and such) and they require funds to purchase!

If you can help, please-we need you.

Call or email.






Pilot programs/aprons/printing/Gala/fundraising!….

Hi everyone:

We’re busy preparing for the Pilot Programs that begin on June 10th. So exciting! We really need funds to underwrite the programs as we don’t charge the kids. It’s $580.00 per child and just think how good you’ll feel knowing you made such a difference in the life of a young person. A difference that will last a lifetime.

We’re finishing the final edits on the course material, while researching aprons-the cheapest, environmentally friendly aprons we can find. We have found aprons for $4.50, but I can only imagine where they are made and who made them. That is not our message and what we stand for. Organic cotton aprons can be as little as $8.00, plus screen printing. We need 13 of them. Working hard trying to find someone who will help with that cost.

We have a gym (details soon) that is going to donate a free pass to all the kids going through the pilot programs as part of the Fitness program. So cool!

A local printer, Sprint Copy Center, is going to give us deep discounts on the printing, but we need help with that cost as well.

Basically, any help you can give will be put to good use! A little check or a big check. It all helps!

It’s almost here! More very soon. Great progress, but we truly need funds to finish this.

Thanks so much,



Getting there!

Every day there is progress! We’re wrapping up the five health programs, trying to find a printing company who will print for free (you never know until you ask!) and working on some fun and educational teaching aids for the first four programs. The ‘props’ for the fifth program-Culinary- will be the food! Pizza! Salads! Ice Cream! …all taught with health in mind. Yes, we make ice cream and pizza as well as roasted veggies, sushi and lots of other great foods that almost all kids love and have asked to learn how to make.

It’s all about choices. If I eat that, this is how it affects my body. Ice cream is not something we make frequently and along with dairy ice cream, we make frozen yogurt and non-dairy alternatives too. The one ingredient that is always included is fun!


The Pilot Programs are for the first 10 lucky kids to sign up! Email or call us to register..soon!

May 1st Launch Party a Big Success!

“Now I understand” was the theme of yesterday’s party at Chop’s Teen Club in Santa Rosa, CA. Attendees “now understand” what our organization and programs are all about.
We began the presentation with a slideshow of our nation’s beautiful kids, then moved on to releasing the data-the answers to the 25 questions I asked kids all across the country last year. Next we explained the five health programs we have created for kids based on what they said they wanted and needed to learn in order to lead healthier lives. Lastly we unveiled out new name/logo/web site/and Facebook page.
We ended the day with a big thank you to everyone who believed in the non-profit since the beginning.
Pilot programs are in June and July, so now, we are fund raising. We do not charge kids to go through the programs, but they’re not free, so we need your help. It’s $580.00 for one child to go through the program and we would like to give a big thank you to Dr. Michael Lipelt for sponsoring the first child to get the ball rolling. Every donation is so important and the other funds donated yesterday are almost enough for the second child.
At DirectionFive, today begins our future. We are proud of our beginnings and confident in our ability to help our kids with their health. 


Patty and Tanya at Launch Party

DirectionFive First Annual Gala at the Vine Hill House at O’Connell Vineyards – November 5th, 2011

Wine and Whiskey Food and Jazz

Auction items include:

A Guitar signed by the Rolling Stones

A Week in Paris

A Weekend in New York

Chef’s Dinners

Wine Weekends

Sailing Lessons

Dinners with Local Restaurants

…and that’s just a taste! …so far!

Save the date-details and invitations coming soon!

Our goal is $100,000 for DirectionFive’s programs for kids.